Wednesday, January 6, 2010

It's All about me...and MAW..

I was first joining MAW on 9th April 2004..just after finishing my study (nganggur 2 minggu je)..kalo tengok dari gambo ni pun leh agak usia sebenar MAW ni..hihi...hampir sama usia ngan nya ok...ermm..ok gak la...bertapak dari tahun 50an..

oopppsss..wrong picture..this is not MAW..this is aquarium inside MAW..hehe..BTW this aquarium is a symbol for err..not sure lah..better to ask our feng shui master...

p/s : Pic of MAW will be posted later..huhu

Tugas pertama sebagai chemical engineer..and..this is my office..and my table...terkejut tak tengok..meja dasat nya...

p/s : That Ujang only for tea-break reading aaa...

hmmm..wonder why she posed like cute gudfriend..sitting in front of me..

This is my colleagues..we eat together...going out together...and do everything almost togeder-geder (ye la tuh..)

Actually this pic was taken on last 2-year when we have open house for Raya.

ni latest pic of us...MAW annual dinner last year..

pasal makan semua danggup datang..hihi...

Our je yg dpt snap...control handsome masing2.. and my bestfriend..Juliana Jusoh..cek mek dr Tganu...

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Berniaga di sekolah

Hello All,  Wah!! Bangga sungguh si anak bila Mamanya tunjuk kumpul hasil jualan roti jala kat sekolah..lain kali boleh tolong jual la...